It’s not what goes
into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this
defiles a man. Mat 15:11
The power
that our tongue has is one that is hard to understand. How such a small part of
our body as a whole has so much power that it is a constant warning throughout
the entire bible. This is something that I did not understand until after I
began going through counseling and preparing for Deliverance Ministry.
The topic of
Deliverance Ministry is a touchy one for a lot of people, but it is one of the
reasons I’m doing as well as I am doing right now. During my life wandering
spiritually I spoke many things that harmed me and my soul. There are things
that I allowed for the sake of understanding, knowledge or power that wounded
me deeply.
I profess
with my word that these things were wrong and I know that now, but when you are
wandering in the dark it’s hard to tell friend from foe. My first steps were in
tests. If this flame will change color then there is truth to these words. I
wanted to see a response, and I received one. Well if that worked what else
will work?
Down the
slope I went until I began to allow spirits, demons, into my being. I swore
oaths turning myself over as a vessel for the evil ones to use. With these
words I allowed them to do with me what they would. It was depravity after
another as I carved out sections of who I am and who I was becoming to allow
them to do with me what they will.
For my
seeking I did receive knowledge and wisdom through my folly. However, by
knowing the names of demons, they also learn yours. As you go deeper and deeper
into the abyss you see things that you cannot unsee. You learn things that you
cannot forget. And you do things that you cannot undo. I had become a man
filled with Hate, Lust, Anger, Destruction and filled with dreams of a truly
violent death and being happy with it.
I am very
glad that things happened when they did. God is good. He warned me to turn
away, but I would not listen. Who knows how many demons where walking around in
my flesh at any point in time. Was I hearing voices? No… just thoughts. Was I
schizophrenic? No… Possession is much different from that. When you open
yourself up to the demonic host, you get what they want… not what you want.
All of this
was done with words. I swore oaths. Dedicated myself to thoughts and uttered
blasphemies. Many of them I can still bring to mind even now. I have not spoken
those words in over 5 years, but I still hear them. I denounced my salvation,
my right and privilege as a child of God. But even with that, God did not give
up on me.
I was the
wayward son, lost in the depths of the ocean. He was waiting on me to make my
choice and to say the words that he told me to say. All I had to do was ask for
As a fool’s
tongue leads to strife and folly (Proverbs 18), only with wisdom gained from
folly did I see how much of a fool I had become. I had to be put in a situation
where there was nothing to distract me from the truth. I needed my Grey Door.
Upon my
release from my Grey Door, my journey was only still beginning. I was a new
child of God once more, but my tongue had still opened doors that were not yet
closed. I had not done this alone either, and because it was with a union of
souls with my wife. We had to be separated for God to begin working on us.
We began receiving
counseling. We had a church that supported us as we were a challenge to the
leadership of the church. Thank God for Providence Road Church of Christ ( We were going to Celebrate
Recovery on top of the therapy. Our counselor quickly realized that we were
outside her area of expertise and had found someone in the area that works on
people with Occult pasts.
Clay Barnes
met with us. He was the one that shined the light of the true power of words.
In the first session I found myself renouncing oaths with the same verbiage
that I used when speaking them. They had to be the same in order to close the
doors that were opened. He too felt that we needed something rare. He suggested
Deliverance Ministry.
We went into
it and again had to be separated. The spirits within myself and my wife could
not be removed is we were together. We went through six one-hour long sessions
before we were turned back over to Clay. It was a very long process and we came
a long way. Still It’s been three years since we finished with that and only
now am I speaking about the power of words.
Still now,
still so young in Christ with everything that I have seen and gone through.
James knew what he was talking about:
“So too,
though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider
how large a forest a small fire ignites. And the tongue is a fire. The tongue,
a world of unrighteousness, is places among the parts of our bodies. It
pollutes the whole body, sets the course of life on fire, and is set on fire by
hell” James 3:5-6
So what’s
next? It is time for the truth to spew forth from my mouth. With that said.
Mind your tongue; do not let it become wild and untamed. My journey is not one
I wish any of you to follow. I was Christian, then nothing. I then became
Wiccan then a practitioner of Witchcraft. From there I became a Satanist. I
became a leader for the enemy. Then I became nothing once more, which was
better than what I was, and then once more a Child of God. I came back home and
the Father was waiting for me.
If I can
blaspheme his name, renounce his gifts, spit on his image, walk with those that
would stand against him and make friends among the demons of hell and he forgives
me…. I know he would forgive you.
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