This blog has moved to my new website and can be found here. Also while you're there take a look around to get a better idea of the rest of the story that lead me to start writing these blogs in the first place. Thanks for everything, but most importantly thanks be to God for the inspiration and the words that he has allowed me to type.
Joseph Craig
Coming from an Occult lifestyle that lead to trouble with the Law, Joseph Craig speaks about his transformation to Christ, with all the freedom and struggle therein.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Pluto Syndrome
“How can this be?” Nicodemus
asked. John 3:9
We have all
lived through learning something that shook us. Something that we believed and
thought was true was disproven or we were told it was wrong. For many of us
that is the scary times in our lives, for others it’s the greatest moment of
our lives. Many times these things are new discoveries or miracles in our
minds. Now put yourself back 2000 years ago.
I know that
most of the people that read the words that I have written are Christian. Many
of you are probably very strong in your faith and no one can shake your faith.
You could listen to Mormons for weeks and not be shaken or question your faith
what so ever. God has blessed you with the foundation that he calls us to have,
one built upon rock.
Now 2000
years ago, let us see ourselves as Jews instead of Christians. We have been
told that a Messiah would come and save us. And just like today I’m sure that
many of us see the world as being so bad that it has to come soon because it
can’t get much worse. So we hope, but we see our world as we do and realize
that there is nothing we can do about it, just as we could do nothing about the
Romans that conquered us.
We go to synagogue
and we pray, we keep our laws the best we can. Many of us are hoping that the
Messiah will come soon to rescue us from the rule of Rome. We’re good Jews
though and hold to our covenant the best we can. We want to be free from the
rule of Rome so bad, but we know that it would take God himself to free us from
We have made
up our minds in our fantasies of who and what this Messiah will be. We know
that the Messiah will be something beyond belief. God in the flesh, wow. His
beard must be perfect and take no grooming. A Jew’s Jew.
So we hear
stories and rumors about this man down at the river talking about the Messiah
coming soon. We want to believe, but we’ve heard his kind before. They are the
crazy ones that yell on the corners holding signs. They are all crazy, he doesn’t
even wash his hands properly, he can’t be Jew, let alone someone that God has
given sight to.
A little
more time goes buy and this carpenter’s son starts teaching that the Law is
wrong. Even more that he is the Son of God in the flesh. This is not a Jew’s
Jew, he’s no Messiah. That’s what your friends say. He is teaching all the
wrong things, and he’s not here to free us from Rome. He is not what you
pictured the Messiah as, he can’t be him.
Would we
really believe the story unfolding before us? Would we believe that Jesus was
really the son of God? That would be like us today believing the story of John
Smith. He is adding to the bible, and the bible says that you cannot do that.
We can read so many other Christian books to add to our faith as long as they
are not adding to the Bible itself we are OK.
What do you
think writings like these are doing? Building upon the word of God, but I’m not
saying that this is the Book of Joe, stick it in there between 3 John and Jude.
But let us go back to Jesus. He was an amazing man, we saw him do miracles, we
try to corner him with biblical teachings and he knows the word better than
most of us do. But he’s a carpenters son, this can’t be the Messiah.
How hard
would it be for us to believe? Each society had their own beliefs and today is
no different. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, but yet there
are so many people that still do not believe. I want you to think about how
hard it would be to believe when you are raised told that those Christians are
crazy, they believe in things that Science cannot prove.
I mean let
us be honest here, what is your opinion on the sacrifices that Mormons or
Jehovah’s Witnesses make? Is it crazy that the watchtower denies their
followers birthdays? Mormonism’s diet is very strict. We as Christians, what do
we think of these sacrifices? They aren’t godly because our bible doesn’t say
to do these things.
Let me tell
you a secret, the same book that we use to guide our belief is the same book
that the Jehovah’s Witnesses use to prove their way of life. It is all about interpretation
of God’s Word. Am I saying that they are right? No, I can’t believe in that. I
cannot believe that only 144,000 people will be allowed into heaven and be with
God. How do I view their personal sacrifices?
I think that it is impressive that they believe strong enough to deny
themselves of things like that. I am also glad that I am not called to sacrifice
in that way.
Going back
two thousand years ago, how hard do you think it was for Nicodemus to go seek
out Jesus? How hard do you think it was for him to believe Jesus? God opened
his heart and lead him to believe, but I don’t think it was that night that it
all sunk in, because if that was true I doubt he would have asked some of the
questions he had asked later in the gospel.
When our world is shaken to the foundation, it is hard for us to grasp
onto everything.
These world
changes can happen and they happen every day. Every atheist that sees that God
is real, it happens. Every time a Pagan realizes that the Gods they serve are
not truly Gods, it happens. Every time a Satanists realizes that Satan is not
God, it happens. Every time a non-believer is added to the fold, it happens.
The more
solid our foundation in what we are believing now the harder it is to turn from
it. If you want to imagine what it was like for Nicodemus, just think about
what if the Mormons are right for a moment. That’s all you need to do to put
yourself in Nicodemus’ shoes. Now come back to what you believe God is God and
Jesus is Jesus. For Nicodemus to believe
Jesus, it took something in his heart. He believed.
Now there
are new discoveries nearly every day, but we can handle new understanding and
knowledge when we know that we don’t know what’s there. It is when we believe
we know what is real, that is when it is hard. It is not hard for us to believe
in finding another planet in space that is similar to earth. It’s not hard to
believe in discovery of a new star, but you downgrade Pluto from a planet to a
lesser classification and that’s hard to believe.
What would
happen to your faith if another sentient life form was discovered on many of
the near earth planets out there? Would you doubt God’s word? You shouldn’t,
nowhere in the bible does it say that he didn’t create man on more than one
world. Man might look a bit different somewhere else, but it doesn’t matter, it’s
not a faith thing.
So why talk
about this? There are millions of people out there that know what they believe just
as strongly as we know and believe in Christ. How do you reach them? You can’t
only God can. Do you hate child that does not know things? No we teach them.
Sometimes all we are called to do is cast a few seeds in the direction of the
lost. Live by example and tell them why you believe. Look for opportunities to
get to know people and have relationships with them.
You have to
invest yourself into people’s lives a bit. Love first, let God be God. You
realize that you do not have to tell someone that they are a sinner or damned
to fulfill God’s commandments? You can love people as you would desire to be
loved without mentioning God. It is when they ask how or why that you can let
them know the how or why. That how or why, we all know, is God. Love first, let
God be God. Cast the seed and let God water it.
“Faith is not belief
without proof, but trust without reservation.” D. Elton Trueblood
Jahovahs Witness,
Jesus Christ,
Joseph Craig,
status quo
Monday, November 4, 2013
Pain: the Shortest Path to God
“I’m in pain. I’m in
deep trouble. God, save me and keep me safe.” Psalm 69:29 NIRV
There is
nothing else in the world that will get a non-believer to pray to God quicker
than pain. Physical, emotional, mental it doesn’t matter the stronger the pain
the more prayer is involved. I find it funny that men and women every day that
do not believe in God turn to him when they are hurting and cannot find a way
to get around the problem at hand.
Psalm 69 is
one of those psalms that just cry out for the hurting, lost, confused or those
in trouble. It is a call and prayer for when you see no other way out. It is
moments like these that people realize that we are not Gods and we cannot fix
these things on our own. I think it’s a reaction that is hard coded into our
For a woman
they say the worst pain one can feel is childbirth; for a man kidney stones.
That’s physical pain, but there are hurts that we can have that run much deeper
than these. Physical pain is something that I have always had a great tolerance
for. It’s those pains that you can’t touch; those are the pains that get me.
Pain can
call us to a quick call to Jesus, rarely is it not a scream or yelp that would
be seen by most as vain. Pain can put us on all fours lamenting to the father
to make the pain go away, even if we think he’s not real. People will cry out
to him hoping that in this moment there is something more than them to help
ease their pain.
There is a
power in pain that is found rarely outside of it. When we are hurting in this
way there is a vulnerability that can break even the strongest of shells. It is
those times that we are but a child crying out to our mother or father to make
the pain better. A child learns this because when they hurt and they are
screaming it is mom or dad that picks them up and comforts them. It’s natural
for the parent to do this.
So when we
are older, we still yearn for this. Mom has not been able to pick me up and
pack me for a long time, but it’s not mom that I cry out for anymore. It’s not
dad either. I cry out to God because I know now that Mom and Dad cannot take
care of all the pains that I feel. Today it’s just physical pain of a kidney
stone moving around, but I cry out to God to help me through this.
In that pain
I plead to God more than I do with just about anything else. That reaction is
something that is biblical. The more we hurt the more we cry out to our God.
The more guilty we feel for something that we have done; the more grim our
earthly situation is; the more we cry out to God. Why?
Why is
because we feel so weak and helpless in these situations and we realize the
truth that is all through the bible, nothing we do can be done without God. Our
weakness is amplified by our pain and with that weakness we draw on the one we
should be drawing on for everything. God tells us to bring everything to him.
Every hurt, every joy, every question, bring everything to Him. Prayerfully
consider each and every action that you take.
It seems
like a lot, how can God have time to answer my every question? Because he’s God
and he loves you. We can turn to him when we are hurting so much easier because
we know we are powerless to do anything about the pains that we are going
through. It’s when we are strong and well that our pride keeps us from going to
God wishes
to be involved in all that you do. There is nothing that you should do that God
does not wish to be involved with. God’s not there just for when we hurt, he is
there always. God created us and gave us gifts and talents, and he loves to see
what we do with them. He calls us to glorify him and lift up his name in
Every busted
knuckle, stubbed toe, twisted ankle is a reminder that God is right there. Why
did he create pain? Sin required it. I do not see it completely as a punishment;
I think he intended it to be a reminder to us that he is there. That may seem a
little sadistic to a lot of folks, but think about it. When we have ran from
our God that loves us, and refuse to turn to him, it is only in times of great
pain that we reach back to him.
Pain is not
a pleasant and happy thing and I’m not trying to make it out to be. Pain hurts,
that’s why it’s pain. How many times do you need to touch that hot eye before
you remember that it hurts to touch it? How many times do you need to try to
fix that absence within you with sex before you realize that it doesn’t work?
How many times do you need to hurt before you remember that God is right there?
God doesn’t
want us to hurt. He wants us to be with him and love him. He wants us to
converse with him always and daily. He wants us to be ever present in his glory.
But we can’t do that when we are trying to do it ourselves.
We are the
little kids that refuse to let their parents help them reach something that is
just outside their reach. We are the teenager that thinks we know best. We are
the adult that is too stubborn to listen to someone that is younger teach you a
better way to do something. We are the Christians that cling too hard to
tradition to realize that we are missing the point of Grace.
The law
cannot save us; the Grace of Jesus Christ is something that you cannot earn.
The Law cannot stop someone from hurting. The law teaches us a great number of
valuable things, but it cannot replace Jesus; it cannot replace grace.
That does
not mean that we skip the law. We still have to be told, “Don’t touch that it’s
bad for you,” enough times to realize that it’s bad for us. Pain is just that
reminder from the law that God is there and with that comes the fact that you
don’t have to be perfect, you have Grace. Pain is just another way to get us to
let go of the wheel and open up the possibility that God is real. Pain is a
reminder that we are not God. Pain is the annoying teacher who you could not
stand, but are so thankful you experienced it because of what she taught you.
Jesus Christ,
Joseph Craig,
Psalm 69
Friday, November 1, 2013
God Loves Fags
“For God so loved the
world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not
perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16
So many
times I have seen and heard people hurt by misuse of faith. I have heard scare
tactics to force someone to change BEFORE they accept Christ or even to say
that they must fix themselves before they can accept Christ. We have all seen
the “God Hates Fags” sign. God hates the sin, not the sinner.
God is
perfect love. God is unconditional love. I have no place to say how God feels
about someone being gay. I do have a commandment from God to Love all neighbors
as I would love myself and that means loving the Gay couple down the street
just as much as it would the atheist across the way. Judgment is not for us to do;
we screw that up all the time.
Luckily God
accepts all that come calling to him. That is something that I am truly
thankful for, because I would not be here otherwise. You can look in the bible,
no matter the version you will not find anywhere that God Hates Fags, but yet
Gays are attacked by Christians on a nearly daily basis. They aren’t the only
groups that are attacked. I’m sorry but my fellow Christians, if we spent all
that energy on love the world would be a much better place.
story to share, I have a cousin that was starting to go to church after
struggling with drugs and bad habits that come along with it. He came forward
in the church he was attending and accepted Christ and asked the church to pray
for him to get off of drugs. After the service, one of the Christians there and
his aunt told him that Christ would not accept him as long as he was on drugs
and messing around with the prostitutes in town. He hasn’t been back to church
Things like
that hurt people in ways that is very wrong to me on many levels. This same
kind of mentality hurt me when I was young and contributed to my wandering and
seeking peace, understanding and divinity outside of the Christian faith. We come to the cross broken, and we allow God
to come in through us and serve as our guiding light to help us take step after
step to become more of what God wishes us to be.
Brian “Head”
Welch can tell you his testimony about how broken he came to the cross and what
God did for him and through him. You can go out to YouTube and see thousands of
videos about how God saved someone from Drugs, Sexual Addictions, and from
themselves. Not one person can come to the cross perfect.
We were born
into sin, the flesh that we wear is made of sin and thus it dies. So from the
moment we are born we are not perfect. There is not one person alive today that
can go to the cross perfect. If we were perfect we would not need the cross. So
before you cast that stone at the woman at the abortion clinic, or the women
walking down the road holding hands, or the guy on the corner begging for food,
just stop for a moment and ask yourself, “What would it help?”
You’ll find
that throwing stones does nothing but cause harm. Would it be better to love on
people like that? The woman at the clinic might feel that this is the only way
for her, or there could be a much larger story there. I do not believe that
women that go to those places do it because they want to kill their baby. They
are probably in a very bad spot and hurting with something that they see no way
out of. Love her.
Those women
walking together, you ever think they might just be friends. Even if they are
not, how many times have these women been hurt by men? Even more than that, if
you are truly worried about their salvation telling them they are going to burn
in hell won’t help anything. Start your conversation like you would any other
couple. Ask them how long they have been together and find out more about them.
Then invite them to church, but do it only after you have loved them.
Do you love
God? Do you love Jesus? Do you want everyone else to love them? I don’t think a
lot of Jews loved Hitler. Don’t make the God we love out to be Hitler. Don’t help
people that have a bad opinion about Christ and God have validation for that
opinion. You and I know that God is Grace, Mercy and Love. Show that! Love
people, show them mercy and grace. Be God in all you do. Stop the hate
mongering. Stop the judging. Start the Loving. Start letting hope shine through
you so people see the God we love and respect.
“Darkness cannot drive
out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can
do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Hell's Beautiful Lie
“He was in the world,
and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him.”
John 1:10
We see hell’s
lies everywhere we look. The lie of hell is present in all things. Hell is full
of many of the best liars that the world has seen. These guys are big on PR and
marketing, that’s why Hell looks so beautiful these days and heaven seems like
such a boring place. It’s a big PR campaign instead of a war like we see on the
news every day.
Hell has
everything you are looking for. Hell has everything you need. You do not have to
restrain yourself or do anything that you don’t want to do. Sex, drugs,
parties, yep it has it all. Fame and fortune you can have that too. Remember to
be a Christian you have to sacrifice all of that. Sex, yeah that’s the first
thing you have to give up. Only for kids that’s it, just like the other
animals. You like sex don’t you? Of course you do, why would you want to be a
Christian then?
PR has even
hit Christians enough to make them believe it. I know a lot of metal heads that
will tell you that will tell you God loves to rock. Sex is a gift from God that
we have been given to share with our spouse. But that’s not what Hell’s lie is.
No their lie goes deeper than that.
You want to
be successful? Well you got to be of the world to be successful and well you
just can’t do that being Christian. Hell
will use God’s own works against the followers and believers. When I was a
Satanist I read the bible quite a bit. Why would a Satanist use the bible? In
the bible there is a lot of stuff that men do not understand without God
showing them what it means.
Why would
God ask anyone to give his son up as an offering? Better yet, and pagans love
this one, why would God say to hold no other gods above him if there were no
other gods? Without the understanding that anything that you put above god is
an idol or another God their statement would hold water. So using the same
words that Christians use against them puts a lot of Christians in a spot where
they do not know what to say or do.
That is part
of the point, doubt. If one of the lost see this moment of doubt, that is a
point for the devil. But again, many times the beautiful lie is not targeting
the soul and faith directly. Let’s just occupy you with things that you love.
Idle hands are the devil’s plaything, not anymore. Let people become so busy
they have no time to even consider God.
Both parents
are now working, and can still only just make ends meet. If you are going to be
successful, you have to dress the part. You want your kids to be successful,
well they have to have a good balance of extracurricular activities and go to a
good college. Well that costs more money so we have to work more. Busy, busy,
But hey you
got that McMansion. You are driving the latest and greatest SUV this one
getting a whole 19 MPG. You’ve got the iEverything. You have it going on. You’ve
got everything just like Hell promised. So why are you so unhappy that you find
yourself finding a reason to drink, always arguing with your spouse and have no
idea what your children actually like, so you buy them the lasts iThing.
You are
feeding the machine, just like Hell asked you to do. That’s what you got to do
to be successful right? Well you’ve come this far, next you are going to have
to join a country club to network with more people. Yep we can make a few sacrifices
so daddy can join up to make a little more.
Don’t forget
that perfect lawn. What you have is a new law that you cannot fulfill. As Grace Life International would say, you have all these ways that you try to
fill your buckets, but they have a whole in them. Hell has you. But you go to
church, but do you have the love of God within you. But I always vote
republican and fight abortion. Good for you, but you are missing the cause. Do
you share love?
The world
tells you things, and it doesn’t matter if you are Democrat, Republican,
Socialists, Tea Party or Communist, if you take that walk without the Love of
Christ you will fall short. If you are doing all these things to be successful,
but do it without God you will fall short. You fill your time with bake sales,
choir, and helping the homeless, great, but do you do it with the love of Christ
in your heart or so people will love you.
The road to
hell is paved with good intentions. We tried for a long time to live by the law
and fell short, that’s why Grace was given to us. Hell’s beautiful lie does not
hold water against the one truth of God. You like heavy metal, keep it, God still
loves you. You like tattoos and piercings, keep them, God still loves you. You
like to play Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and Shadowrun, keep doing
it, God still loves you. If any of these things inhibit your faith, discard it,
but let God guide you in that, not man.
Hell’s lie
is that the only way to have fun is to not be a Christian, their boring. Hell’s
lie tells us that they are the only way to be successful. Hell’s lie is that if
you are going to be a Christian you have to do all these things, keep up the
law, never sin, be perfect, be a cookie cutter of those church kids that look
so perfect. Hell’s lie tells you that’s the only way.
exactly why it’s a lie. There is so many Christian Rock, rap or metal bands out
there. Right now there is an organization that is taking up a fund to get oneof their pastors a tattoo, but it’s a 50/50 split between tattoo and supporting
a homeless organization. God doesn’t want you to sacrifice fun for him. He
wants you to bring him into your fun. If you focus on God and allow him to
guide you, you will be successful in ways that you may have never through been
are meek and cannot fight, tell that to Fedor Emelianenko, Matt Hughs,
Wanderlei Silva or Chris Weidman. The list is long for Christian MMA fighters,
and then there are thousands of Christian men and women in the armed forces. I
will quote Pastor Bob Beeman when asked a question of do I have to give up
metal music to be Christian, “I think you will find that your love of music
will only increase, I know mine sure has.” He also went on to say that the
bands specificly that will be a personal conviction.
I know in my
walk from Satanism to Christianity there were only a few bands that I stopped
listening to and they were Cradle of Filth and Diocide. Later I have replaced
them with bands like Demon Hunter, War of Ages and many other Rock groups. My
taste in music did not change as much as the taste in what substance I was
taking in.
Now I did
cut out a lot of things that were not healthy when I converted to Christ, and
still fight with cutting a few more things out. Let me let you know a little
secret, none of us are perfect. The preacher on stage every Sunday, nope not
even him. We are perfected through Grace alone. Through Jesus we have been
perfected, not through any act of our own. Don’t believe Hell’s pretty lies,
there are a lot of actors, PR guys and lawyers down there to help them out.
God loves
you, let him celebrate with you and you will find that Christians can have
quite a bit of fun, when they let themselves.
“There should be only
one philosophy: Living by God’s commandments. Then people will treat everybody
how they would want to be treated.” Fedor Emelianenko
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Mustard Seed of Faith
And he said to them, “Why
are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and
the sea; and there was a dead calm. Matthew 8:26
I have been
blessed as of late with many things of God and once again taken back by the awesome
that is God. I have met people and have had conversations that I could not have
had without him. I have been given a wealth of words to put to paper that I
will get credit for, when they truly are not my words. Dead asleep by midnight
and awake again with words to write by 1am.
these encounters however I have been given insight that can build towards a bit
of wisdom. One of the people that I have had the pleasure to meet recently is a
man named Jeff Harsbarger, a man whose walk to Christ was very like my own, he
just returned to Christ 25 years before I did. Listening to some of his words a
quote really moved me because of the truth of it, “Too many Christians are
concerned with reacting to the Devil, when all they have to do is respond to
There is a
truth in that statement of true power. I’m sure that had something to do with
the inspiration for this topic. I have talked about faith quite a few times,
but this time I want to focus on a few different examples. In the Bible, Jesus
tells us time and time again just how powerful Faith is, and even among his
disciples who are right there with him, how little faith we can have.
Jesus tells
us that with faith the size of a mustard seed a mountain can be tossed into the
sea. Jesus tells us that all he does, he does in faith of the Father. The only
time that he was not able to do miracles of magnitude was in his home town with
doubt and fear around him. There were more people that did not believe than
there were believers I feel.
Even with
that though, he was able to heal the sick. I have pondered on the parable of
the mustard seed more than once and I often asked why a mustard seed was used.
We are told that it is a very small seed and it grows into a tree large enough
for birds to take nest there. In this there is a deeper meaning of why Christ
chose the mustard seed.
Each of us starts
with a seed of Faith within us. This seed is watered and nurtured and eventually
begins to sprout with proper care, just as any other seed does. This begins to
grow in us and develops roots. This seed is the seed of our faith. It sprouts
within us and begins to grow. Even in its infancy there is power in that faith.
From the beginning
we are called to just draw closer to God through love. We are told that we have
been brought into God’s covenant and that he is our tower of refuge. We are
told that our faith from the beginning is powerful enough to move mountains. We
have a hard time keeping this in our minds when the seas are not calm.
Even the
disciples had fears and doubts, we are not perfect. Only Jesus was perfect, and
we are made perfect through Christ Jesus. I tell you though, Jesus is right,
faith the size of a mustard seed is capable of changing the world. Many times
it is changed in ways that we do not recognize or realize.
The faith
that we have in God is what keeps us safe. It is what keeps us on track with God’s
purpose. How can faith of a mustard seed change the world, by continual growth
and willingness to listen to God’s will and purpose. Demons had no power with
Christ. Christ dwells within us. The demons even feared the Son of God and
begged him. How can they have power of us if Christ dwells within us?
faith the sea will remain rough. Without taking up your cross daily and walking
with God daily we neglect that patch of dirt that our seed is planted in and
allows weeds to grow in to choke out our faith. Ever diligent and ever faithful
will we keep to what God wishes for us.
I have been encouraged by what God has taught me through the words he
has blessed me with. These things are not mine, it’s a God thing.
What keeps
us where the devil wants us? Doubt and fear. The only power that he has over us
relies in us forgetting that he has no power over us. “Greater is he that
dwells in us than dwells in the world.” I may sound like a broken record, but
Faith is that important.
When I was
an Occultist there was a question that was asked constantly, “How does magic
work?” The answer is one that Christians will be familiar with, through the
belief that it will be done. It is our human will that puts forth our belief
and our faith that something will be done. We believe that we are protected in
Christ and have faith in the father and it is done.
It is not
that we are making it happen, we believe in the truths that we have been told
in the bible and through the testimonies of those far more wise than we are. I
am still a toddler in my walk with God. Even at this point though there is
power in the faith that has been built within me that no one can take from me,
save the Lord.
Job is
always a hard read for me because of all he goes through. And I understand that
it is supposed to be a testament to endurance and perseverance, but honestly
not many Christians want to experience what Job went through. He was blessed in
the end, but went through hell on earth. In that though the encouragement that
I get from it is just how much of a stalwart he was to the truth that God was
questioned why God was doing these things to him, but never denied God the
right. We are his children. Job stood his ground against the devil and was
blessed. I do not believe that all of us have to go through these struggles as Job
did, not to that level anyway, but look at how many people were blessed by his
I leave with
one last point. Your faith is not something to keep to yourself. Your faith is
to be shared, go out and share the good news is what we are called to do as
disciples. So where is the light of your faith? Do you have it tucked away
under a bowl, or do you have it as a lamp for others to find the God that has
blessed you? You want your mustard seed to grow into a tree; it is going to
need some sun for that. You got to pull it out and that means other people will
see it and want to ask you about it. That’s the scary part isn’t it, talking
about your story and how you came to Christ and taking the risk that the person
will reject you because you’re one of those crazy “God hates fags” people.
I would not
be a Christian right now if someone had not reached out to me and shared their
story. Pull your tree out of your pocket and let people see it. You don’t want
to have a tree in your pocket anyway, watering it really wouldn’t be that
pleasant of an experience now would it?
“We are not cisterns
made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.” Billy Graham
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Remember to Live
“A man may beget a
hundred children, and live many years; but however many are the days of his
years, if he does not enjoy life’s good things, or has no burial, I say that a
stillborn child is better off than he.” Ecclesiastes 6:3
One of the
things that I find ironic in the books of wisdom is a theme that goes between
each of the books, but in the two books that are seem as the most downtrodden in
the bible, Ecclesiastes and Job, the theme is spoken loudest. The theme that I’m
talking about tucked away nice and neatly in between suffering is remember to
enjoy life. God did not create us just to die; he wanted us to enjoy what he
has made.
I have heard
many sermons over the years talking about taking the time to enjoy the beauty
of the earth and everything that God has created for us. I have also heard as
many stories saying just how short this life is going to be and keep in waiting
for Heaven. Both are good advice, but I cannot help but go back to Ecclesiastes
6:3 and many other passages in Ecclesiastes.
God created
us to be good shepherds and caretakers of creation. We look back to Genesis and
see this, it was only after we sinned that we were made to toil. Even in that
toiling we are given pleasures that God did not have to give us, but did
anyway. God gave us life to live, and if we are not taking time to enjoy life
then we are missing out on the little pieces of heaven that God has given us
each and every day.
God gave us
an imagination so vivid that we can create our own worlds and stories.
Storytelling is a big part of who we started out being, that’s how we first
shared our religion and faith. I think that is a big reason why we are called
to give our testimony and share the good news. I think a lot of the good news
that we could be telling has been missed over the years mostly because we have
not taken time as Christians to enjoy the blessings of this world to the
Now am I
saying go out and live reckless, not really. What I’m saying is take some time
to do the things you enjoy doing. I know a few Christians that can’t answer the
question of, “What do you like to do for fun?” That, my friends, is depressing.
We are missing one of the biggest blessings that God has given us. We are here
for only a short time so enjoy the things that God has given you.
Enjoy your
spouse and just love each other. When you got together you obviously had enough
fun that you decided you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. So
spend time with them and enjoy what God has blessed you with. Marriage is a
covenant and a blessing to those together. Remember it, enjoy it, and love in
Take time to
smell the roses. God made it all then gave it to us. We are stewards of the
Earth and with that we should do our part to take care of the creation and part
of that is enjoying it. When is the last time you stopped at a scenic overlook?
When is the last time you looked at your spouse? When is the last time you went
for a walk, not a run or jog, but a walk? When is the last time you looked up
at the sky and noticed it’s beauty? If it’s not been that long good, but when
is the last time you took the time to do something you enjoyed.
Are you too
busy to be with God? Are you too busy to watch football? Do you enjoy Football?
Well God can be there with you when you watch it. God is with us always and in
all things. Husbands love your wife. Wives love your husbands. They might
irritate you and annoy you at times, but you love them. Love keeps no count of
wrongs. Love always forgives. Love is pure. Conduct your marriage this way and
you’ll do fine.
You have
kids, love them and spend time with them. Some of my fondest memories growing
up were passing tools to my dad as we were working on cars or when we were
building something. These things are
things that God has given us to enjoy and love. You know those stupid songs
that you and your friends in high school or college would sing. When’s the last
time you spun one of those songs up and just sung along and allowed your child
to come out.
If you play
those songs around your kids, you pass them on to your kids. We are made in God’s
image and God created man and woman as his children. So he has given us the
ability to create sons and daughters in our image. They receive impressions
from you. Forgetting that you love your wife and allowing them to only see the
negative side of things puts negative impressions on your kids and what
marriage is supposed to be.
We are
called to Love. We have talents and things that we enjoy. We are called to
enjoy life as well. Solomon was clear in his writings that it is godly to
laugh, smile and live. It is Godly to take your wife into your arms and embrace
her. It is Godly to just get in the car with the windows down listening to
music. It is Godly to dance and sing. It is Godly to tell stories. It is Godly
to have fun.
So why are
Christians seen as so stuck up? God called us to do these things and do them
through Love. Love God and love others. How can a person love if they do not
laugh? How can a person know love if they know not joy? Without the joys of
life you cannot know love, and if you do not know love you cannot know God.
Want to draw
closer to God? Start thanking him for what he has done instead of asking why he
hasn’t done what’s next for you, or what you think is next for you. God has a
plan, and sometimes you have to just trust that he knows what he’s doing and
enjoy life anyway. Let me tell you if God did not want me to do things that I
enjoy my blessings would be much different.
If anyone
has spent time with me they will notice that I love to have fun, but we all do.
Do something fun today. We are here only a little while, so enjoy the creation
while you can. Don’t sit lifeless waiting to die so you can live forever. Eternal life doesn’t have to start after you’re
dead. I believe that God wants us to start living it now. We live it now and
continue living it when we are back with the father. Live Life, laugh and sing,
dance and tell stories, play games and be with one another. After all it is
“Make a joyful noise
to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.”
Psalm 98:4
Jesus Christ,
Joseph Craig,
Live Life,
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Dungeons and Dragons, a Gateway to Evil?
“But one is tempted by
one’s own desire, being lured and enticed by it; then, when that desire has
conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when fully grown, gives birth
to death. Do not be deceived, my beloved.” James 1:14-16
In a recent
conversation I was asked about what influence Dungeons and Dragons had on my
fall from Christianity to Satanism. Now for a lot of people this is simply an
absurd question, but there are many people that remember the Satanic scare and
the blame of Dungeons and Dragons in some murders and such. These things have
taken hold in the mind of some Christians to the point that they can see
D&D as a gateway drug to Occultism and Satanism.
For me, this
was not the case. Yes I grew up playing Dungeons and Dragons and reading fantasy
novels of swords and sorcery, but I don’t think that these things had that much
impact in my life choices to follow the road to the Occult. There were a lot of
reasons and influences in my fall from grace, if you will.
I was raised
and taken to church by my mother up until I was five. We lived in Eastern
Kentucky at that time and we moved to Tennessee at that time. When we moved my
mother did not find a church so we stopped going to church until I was asked if
I wanted to go to a Youth Group at a church when I was in 5th grade.
Mrs. Harris I thank you for that. Women English teachers have been some of the
most influential people in my life.
I started
going and by the time I was 11 I had been saved and baptized, but even by this
time I had seen things that I didn’t talk about because people thought I was a
weird enough kid as it were. I didn’t think that telling people that I have
seen people walking around bridges and I knew they weren’t really there would
not help my case for being normal, whatever that really means. When I was
baptized things were not exactly as I had expected them to be.
I was
attacked spiritually with waking visions, audible voices and typical
schizophrenic activities. Of course when an 11 year old kid tried to explain
this to my preacher, he thought I was telling stories or acting out for
attention. Whatever the reason, I was not believed. If my preacher would not
believe this spiritual thing that I was going through there is no way that my
mom and friends would believe me.
So I felt
isolated and alone and tried to deal with it on my own and eventually gave up.
I thought at that time it was a Baptist thing. So I started researching on my
own and learning what I could, but I was not going to church anymore. I was
angry at God the situation and everything else about what I had gone
through. Eventually I just let go and
gave up.
I would come
back to it every few years but at that time I was seeking a higher
understanding and enlightenment. I was changing and had a reputation for being
an angry boy who would get into fights. I didn’t have too many friends and
ended up reading more about Dungeons and Dragons than playing it.
My searches
and studies had taken me to looking at the older religions. I was trying to find
a truth among what people believed as long ago as I could find. I would look
for themes and understanding and I found a few “truths” about the power that
human beings have. A few of these are validated even in Christian thought. The biggest
was that humans have dominion over spirits.
Humans have
power of spirits. So spirits are real, and I can make them do what I want. I
knew that spirits were real; I had seen them and felt them. By this time I was focused
more on the power of the mind and not really concerned with fantasy stories.
Then someone told me another truth that I knew but was looking for validation
for. Magic is real.
This was not
the sorcery magic from Fantasy novels. It was more akin to force of will and
the ability to affect the world through your will. So I tested it, and it
worked. I didn’t realize at that time I was already prey to demons and other
energies that were leading me down the road to Satanism. The only thing that
Role Playing games did for me was put me in touch with my wife.
I had
studied magic and occult for a while and got involved with a few guys that
practiced the darker arts, which showed me how to spot demons for the first
time. Well these demons were just tormented spirits mostly, but I was still naïve.
It would be years before I would be calling myself a Satanist.
What role
did these games have in my fall? Not much of anything really, in fact that was
the first thing to completely go when I converted to Satanism. The sinful man
knows only toil. There is no rest for the wicked. All those saying are very
true. I worked, lived and breathed sin. Rolling dice on Friday night and eating
Cheetos did not condemn me. My actions and belief condemned me.
Video games
did not corrupt my spirit. Rejection, judgment and condemnation corrupted what
was supposed to be love. Isolation allowed me and the demons to do all the harm
in the world to me. An abusive first marriage didn’t help things, and a lack of
having time to play games and have fun certainly didn’t help. I had no release
and was so obsessed with what I had become that I was blind to how stupid it
all really was.
Corinthians chapter 10 holds a truth I learned on that path as well. The
deities that pagans worship are demons. I found that truth when I was a
Satanist and it was an essential passage to help draw me back to Christ. That truth
was very much needed for me at that point.
What got me
on that road? Being isolated, judged, condemned, hated, outcast, different, and
too smart for my own good without the wisdom to see how foolish I was. There is
a whole list, but movies, video games and Dungeons and Dragons are not things on
the list. Could it for someone? Yeah, but more times than not it is a
collection of things.
I fully
believe that it is not one thing that drives people from Christ and into any
other direction they go. It is a collection of influences that draw us down
into the darkness. For without the light of God we live in darkness. I am
always nervous talking about my fall. I used Christian writing to learn more
about demons many times. I know that temptation and curiosity can lead to
further studies into the dark, and it’s dangerous.
In several
movies, philosophies and stories there is a message that has led to the warning
that I give now. Nietzsche I think says it best, “And if you gaze for long
enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” Don’t go there… just
don’t. Not for the sake of understanding. Don’t open those doors, leave them
alone because each one you open lets something know who you are and gives you
more you have to fight.
Warfare is hard enough without a Smite Evil spell in our back pocket. No matter
how long you play D&D you will not be able to throw fireballs. No matter
how many times you read Harry Potter you will not produce the patronus charm.
And if you think these things are evil, but approve of Narnia because the
author was a great Christian Scholar I feel you may want to reconsider the
prior. Stories, games and movies do not make people evil.
If you do
not know love, you will replace it with hate. A bully will create more evil
than every book that has been written. A bully can be more dangerous than the “Satanic
Bible” by Anton LeVey. The story that the Satanic Bible preaches is one that we
hear every day. We are in control of our lives and can do what we wish. We are
an army of one.
We hold the
true power, and thus our own little gods. But let me tell you friends, there is
only one God, and his son died for us all. He came to tell us to love God and
love others. You can try to drive the car all you want, but if you want to get
where you’re going, you might want to give dad the wheel.
“D&D was a
training ground for our imagination.” Vin Diesel
Dungeons and Dragons,
Flames of Hell,
Jesus Christ,
Joseph Craig,
Don't Fear the Silence
“Happy is the person
who meditates on wisdom and reasons intelligently,
Who reflects on his
heart and on her ways and ponders her secrets,
Pursuing her like a
hunter, and lying in wait on her paths;
Who peers through her
windows and listens at her doors;” Sirach 14:20-23
That old
saying, “You have two ears and one mouth because you are supposed to listen
twice as much as you speak,” is great advice. Today we are a people that have
every kind of impulse and distraction in front of us. You could say that it is
so hard to get a quiet moment, let alone a quiet moment with God.
All through
the bible we are told that we are supposed to be quiet and meditate on God’s
word and listen to his voice, guidance and instruction. Today we have T.V.s
with hundreds of channels and have access to distractions and noise at the
click of a mouse or a swipe of a smart phone. Knowledge is right at our
fingertips and we are a culture of ADHD. In all of that how are we supposed to
find quiet?
This topic brings
to mind one of my favorite books, Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk. In this book the
author writes about how we are addicted to noise and sound and has some really
great quotes about life in general. It is a great philosophical read about the human
condition. One of my favorite quotes from the book is a reference to 1984 by
Brother isn’t watching. He’s singing and dancing. He’s pulling rabbits out of a
hat. Big Brother’s busy holding your attention every moment you’re awake. He’s
making sure you’re always distracted. He’s making sure you are fully absorbed.”
With propagandas
in our face every second of every day it is no surprise that we have become so
absorbed with consumerism. Marketing says that we have to get the message, ploy
or product in front of as many people as often as you can afford to. The world
wants your attention and we give it to the world. To raise our children we must
make sure that they not only go to school but have one or two after school
programs that keep them busy and four hours of homework every night. That’s
what they need to stay out of trouble.
If we are to
meditate on God’s word daily, what does that mean? Does that mean Yoga? What is
the draw of yoga besides the things the world tells us? It is a stress
reduction technique and much more. It is a way to relieve stress, tension and
offer peace. It is a really healthy thing that is needed in this world right
now. Many people that cannot take time out to just have some peace and quiet to
be with themselves and the ones they love will sit and be quiet in this
At least
they are getting a few moments of peace. When is the last time you sat and
listened to the rain fall outside? When was the last time you just sat quietly
and cleared your mind of everything that was going on in it? We need quiet. It
is in this quiet that we hear God’s voice most clearly.
The man in
the bible that is thought of as being the most wise human being in the bible is
Solomon. God poured wisdom into him like a fount. I find it funny that he says
more than anyone else the word Meditate. Webster defines Meditate as spending
time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation. Be quiet and
You cannot
listen when you speak. You must hold quiet so you can hear. Turn off the TV,
close the computer. Turn off the phones, tablets and game systems. Take a deep
breath and as you exhale clear your mind of everything you are keeping track
of. Say a prayer to God and then just sit quietly for a minute. May mercy,
peace, and love be yours in abundance (Jude 1:2). It’s there for you, but you
just have to be willing to accept it.
Peace is a
gift from God just as Salvation is, but like Salvation we have an obligation to
seek it and hold quietly upon it. With a world of distractions how can we as a
people be listening to God? Do we wonder why the world has grown so far from
God and we hesitate to call ourselves Christians because we don’t want to be
associated with some people that call themselves Christian. Oh I’m Christian
but I’m not that kind of Christian.
We cannot
serve the world and serve God. We cannot listen to the world and listen to God
at the same time. We cannot talk and hear at the same time. Stop waiting for
your turn to speak and take your long past turn to listen. God is waiting on
you to turn your face to him and you can’t if your face is staring at Wolf Blitzer,
the latest reality show, or the stock market. How hard is it to kiss your
spouse without looking at them?
How hard is
it to love someone that you are ignoring? It’s impossible. It is also
impossible for you to receive love when you are similarly distracted. Take a
walk and be with God. Maybe you need to start a little closer to the flesh and
take a walk with your family, or just have dinner with them. Spend time with
them by spending time with them, not occupying the same room with them to be
distracted by, “Whoo hoo new building!” or checking what crops need to be
harvested in Farmville.
How can you
draw closer to the blood that you share in your home if you have no interest in
learning about them? We are noiseaholics and have allowed ourselves to become
fully taken in by the distractions of the world. You are strange when you say
that you don’t watch TV or don’t have Netflix. We must share the love of Christ
with others, but we also have to have the time to receive it ourselves. The
importance of being quiet and sitting with God and then being with other people
is without paramount.
How can we
Love God with all our heart and Love others as we love ourselves if we do not
take the time required to actually love them? I’m not talking about dedicating
more time to study of God’s word, but that helps. What I’m saying is for one
day, one night, one hour turn off all distractions and just be. Take a minute
or hour to be with God and then do the same with those around you. Loving
others requires interaction with others.
No matter
how successful you are, you can still find yourself lonely and alone even when
you are surrounded by people. No matter how poor you are, you can spend a little
time with the Lord or with another person to share the love that we all have
been given. Love doesn’t cost any amount of money and money can only complicate
The greatest
gift that you can give your wife is love and affection. The greatest gift you
can give your husband is love and affection. The greatest gift you can receive from
God is Love. Love is all that God asks in return. Can Candy Crush love you?
Will Farmville teach you anything about God’s plan for us? Can WoW give us
peace, mercy and love? What is distracting you from being in love? What is
keeping you from peace today? Turn it off. God has a plan for every problem. No
matter how big the bug in your code, you won’t figure it out until you step
away from it. God’s there in that too.
One hour,
give it a try… at worst you just wasted an hour of the day, we do a lot more
than that flipping channels or on youtube watching cats do silly things. How
bad can it be to waste it on God?
“There are worse things
you can do to the people you love than kill them. The regular way is just to
watch the world do it. Just read the newspaper.” Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
Friday, October 18, 2013
After the Cross
“Brothers and sisters,
if someone is caught in sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that
person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each
other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians
To continue
with the theme of the recent articles, I wanted to discuss what’s next. We have
walked the journey to the Cross and accepted Christ and have been baptized for
our rebirth. Now what?
To start I
want to reflect for a moment over Galatians 6 for a moment. Each of us have
been caught up in a sin that we cannot seem to break free from. Paul talks
about his affliction of the flesh and Peter tells us about the things that he
wishes he would do he does not, but the things he desires not to do is what he
ends up doing instead.
gives us some instruction on how to help our family with this cycle, but I
think of a bigger thing with this verse. I mean this verse can go down to
someone that has a habit of telling white lies to allowing his thoughts dwell
on sinful desires a bit too much. Many times we are able to forgive the person
that is having this issue and able to take up the advice in Galatians 6 and
gently restore the person.
What if the
sin they were caught up in was something “more” than lust driven thoughts? What
if it were as extreme as Rape? What if it was Murder? What about Armed Robbery?
Can you or I gently restore that person? Well Jesus calls to us to do the same
thing in these cases as well. Sin is sin, it’s black and white. There are no
varied degrees of sin, you have sinned or you have not sinned.
But we have
a hard time not putting these sins on a scale. Cannibalism certainly seems a
lot worse to the human mind and to me than telling your friend that you were at
the mall instead of at your house when they called and you didn’t feel like
talking. But lying is sin. Cannibalism would certainly be a sin, and well sin
is sin.
This mindset
that there are sins larger than others is a hard thing to get beyond. There are
so many emotions that weigh into the process. As human beings the more fear
that something puts into our hearts makes whatever it is worse than something
that we don’t really fear. Stealing a bottle of water is a lot less scary than a
home invasion.
It’s only
human, but for us to start looking at what is next for us, we have to start
realizing that sin is sin, and grace is grace. If we are saved by grace for the
totality of our sin, why cannot someone else be reconciled by the same God that
gave you forgiveness? If he sees all sin as sin, and has informed us of this
fact, how can we not accept that?
If you have committed
the least of these then you have committed the greater as well. All of us have
committed rape, murder, and idolatry in God’s eyes based on this one passage.
Is that taking the passage out of context a bit? Perhaps, but I don’t think I
am taking it too far out of context there.
Jesus was
proving a point with similar things. He was proving that we cannot be saved by
the Law that only Grace could save us. We all fell short of the Law, and that’s
why he came and died for us. We have already accepted that forgiveness and
grace from him. We met him at the cross and were baptized in his blood that
washed us clean.
What’s next?
Allowing ourselves to forgive ourselves and begin our walk with Christ. Before
we can love others as we love ourselves, we have to actually love ourselves.
For some people that will be harder than others. Some of us love ourselves a
little too much and that just means we have to love others a lot more in the
This was
something that was particularly hard for me to do. Forgive myself for all the
people that I had hurt and all that I had done against Christ and his people.
All the lives that I had touched in a harmful way and being a tempter, making
people question everything that they thought they knew to draw them into
As a
Satanist it was my goal to build up a base of followers that was able to tear
down the grip that God has on the souls of the world. Christianity is the
number one religion in the world, and I wanted to tear it all down. During my
time as a Satanist, many people that I had worked with had committed suicide or
spent time in mental hospitals.
The fact
that I blasphemed God’s name daily and God said it is forgotten, I love you
anyway. That kind of love is amazing. God loves us to the point that no matter
how far you have drifted from Christ he will open his arms and welcome you
home. That love is what drove me back into his arms and drove me to make life
changes to ensure that I did not find myself back in that dark place again.
But how can
someone that now has morals forgive himself for that kind of harm. I cannot
help but feel that I am responsible for the suicides of people that I was
teaching. How do you get past that? How do you forgive yourself for that? One
day at a time, embracing God’s love and his mercy. It is through his grace and
his love that I have been resurrected.
The man that
I once was is long dead, but the memories are still there. My body and soul is
marred with scars, scars are wounds that have healed but have left a mark.
Khalil Gibran says this about scars, “Out of suffering have emerged the
strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Thomas
would only believe that Christ had returned from the dead after he saw the
scars on the wrists of Christ.
that it is not the scars that are important; it is the fact that those wounds
are healed. God is a God that heals our wounds. But not every wound heals to
the point that there is no scar. Through these scars you have your story and
testimony. An abusive relationship leaves scars on both people. We walk around
with perfect masks hiding the numerous scars that we have on our hearts and
If we focus
too much on that and not the fact that they are forgiven, and work daily to
allow ourselves to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and forgive ourselves,
then what point do those scars have? They will just be a friendly reminder of
the times that you have failed. The
greatest way we can use these reminders is going back to Galatians 6. Remember
your scars and use them to help someone else with their restoration.
The deeper
the scar the longer it hurts and the more tender it is. You remember the pain
caused by that scar and you now have strength by coming through the other side
of that wound. You survived and have power in your scars if you choose to use
it. Allow these wounds to heal and become scars then use these scars to help
others with similar wounds.
others heal and showing love to others is fulfillment of Jesus’s new
commandments to us. What’s next? Many of us have a lot of healing that we have
to work through. Others of us have stories to tell of God’s grace and mercy.
Others of us just need to love on people to make sure they know that Christ is
not point at you with a hot poker to burn you for every wrong that you have
What you do
with your scars is up to you. If you just want to use them as reminders of
things not to do again if great. If you want to use them to help others, that
is great. What Jack didn’t realize in Fight Club was that he already had scars.
So what can you do with your scars?
“There is something
beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over,
the wound is closed and healed, done with.” Harry Crews
Jesus Christ,
Joseph Craig,
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