Friday, October 11, 2013

Faith: A Journey by Grace

“For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift – not from works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

I had a wonderful conversation about God yesterday, during the conversation a question was asked to me. What would you say is the most important thing for people to know concerning with the Spiritual forces and demons? The answer was Faith, but it was not that short of an answer.

Faith is one of our greatest tools that we have as Christians. How do we know what we know? Well that philosophical question is a rabbit hole that goes very deep, but the answer for that to me is we put faith in what we believe we know. We put faith in what we believe. I don’t care what faith you have, your belief and the faith in that belief is where you will draw strength from it.

Jesus said that the faith the size of a mustard seed you can make a mountain jump into the sea. That alone should tell us just how powerful faith is. In the Armor of God, Paul states the Shield of Faith as the most important piece of that armor. Through our faith we do many things that we would not do.

Why is faith so important? Faith is the foundation of belief. We put faith in something and that develops into belief. Through our faith we are saved by Grace. Grace is something that we are given, and the only way we are able to measure up as it were. As we build our faith we draw closer to God and as we draw closer to God, we desire to do the things that God wishes us to do more.

This makes me think about the statement in James about Faith without works is dead. Why is faith without works dead? If your faith is alive and producing fruit, works is a byproduct. Works is part of what you are growing for the harvest. If you are going through a lull in your faith and striving to revive it, I’ve got a good idea for you. Go back to your Grey Door, that symbol that you have of the turning point in your life.

Once you are back at that Grey Door, pray for guidance and read the bible. Maybe you should read the Armor of God prayer for a few days. As you do these things you will begin to travel the spiritual path that you blazed before. Open your heart and allow your faith to build. As it builds you will find that there are opportunities to help out and do things that God wishes for us to do.

Some of us get tasks such as writing, or teaching. Others it may be a mission trip. It all depends on the spiritual gifts that you personally possess. Even more than that it could be something small and simple that does not seem to be your forte, but there is an opportunity there that will open the next door or show you the path that you missed or were not ready to travel down.

God has a plan and path for us, but it is only through our Faith that we can do these things. As your faith grows so does the desire to use the spiritual gifts that you have. Is your place warming a pew? No, it never is. There is always more for you to do.

Each of us has a story to tell and a walk to walk. Each of us is blessed with some kind of gift. What stops us from completing the tasks that we are given to complete? God provides us with all things that we need. If he has a purpose for us, he will provide us with the way to complete these tasks. It may be through the generosity of others, or it may be through some other process or procedure that he has in store for us.

These things cannot pan out if we do not have the faith that they will pan out. With that faith comes a calm peace that builds strength. We know that we have set our feet upon a firm foundation, we have taken refuge here in the storms, and we have the Faith in what we have seen and been told. We know that God does not let us go without things that we need. If God has a need for us to do something, this becomes a need for us. God does not let us go without what we need.

So how can you and I find our paths in all of this? This is the current struggle that I have. I do not see where my path is leading me, but I have Faith in the one that laid out the path before my feet. I know that the road will take me where I belong, because it always has. I have faith, and that faith has built the desire to do the works that God has called me to do.

I write because it is a gift that I have been given. What have you been given? How can you do the things that you have been called to do? Well that is part of the process. The opposition desires us to not complete these works that we have been called to do. They want us to be crippled by fear and depression. Perfect Love drives out fear, and that love is built on Faith.

You say that you don’t know what gifts you have. What are your strengths? How can you use them for God? Congratulations you have discovered one of your spiritual gifts. I say one of them because many of us have a lot of things that we are good at. Remember Jesus was a carpenter. I know a lot of people around that have things they need that would be a blessing if they were repaired.

So you are a mechanic and a Christian, good. How many times have you passed someone on the side of the road that was broken down? Maybe each of those times was a chance to be Jesus for someone in a desperate situation. It might be you that God is sending to be Jesus to not only save them from their physical problem, but also to tell them about God and share the Good news.

Maybe you are a lawyer. I’m sure there are plenty of desperate people that you can reach out to in bad situations to share with them what God has done for you and through you. Talk about being someone’s savior and then telling them that it wasn’t you that saved them, but It’s Jesus that can save them. A fisherman can feed people.  Maybe make a blanket forthe poor like St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Shrewsbury, PA.

The Starks say the truth, “Winter is Coming.” A warm blanket for someone in winter; talk about being Jesus for someone. What is your gift? What can you do for someone? How can you be Jesus for someone? Let me tell you from experience, writing a complete stranger that is locked away in Jail can bring that person hope. Hope can kindle a fire that can spur them to make life changes that they had not made before.

We are put here to Glorify God and how can we do that if we only spend our time around other Christians? How can we show others the glory of God and the power of Faith and Grace if we do not get out and do the things that God has asked us to do? Who knows, God might move you to the Caribbean to do his good work.

Through Faith and by the Grace that dwells within us, all is possible. What is keeping you where you are? What is stopping you from taking your next step for God? Why have you not taken that step that will lead you on such an adventure that you may have never dreamed possible?

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” Lao Tzu

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