Sunday, September 25, 2011

Impact, a challenge to pagans

With the Lord has done so much in my life, fulfilling prophecy that was given to me years ago. Those words that I felt at the age of 11 ring out to me today. That promise he made me, “You were here in the beginning, and you will be here in the end.”

God has always had something planned for me. It does not seem to me that it is “ordinary.” I do not claim to be extraordinary or special. I have just taken a walk that, Thankfully, not so many have taken. Those that have, unfortunately, did not find their way back out, or have not yet.

The ministry, if you will, that I feel may be in my future is not an easy one. Not that ministry is easy. Taking people with Occult backgrounds and either drawing them to Christ Jesus or helping those people heal. Ironic, bringing pagans to Christ, that was the mission so many people in the bible was tasked with.

Idolotry is something that this country, nay, this world has issues with. The worshiping the all mighty dollar and those worldly possessions, however, is not what I am talking about. No, I am talking about those that worship false gods. The worship of the Great Mother, Diana, Odin, Loki, Ares, Athena etc. is for fools. These figures are like Gods as the Angles are to The God. 1st Corinthians 10:18-19 tells us a truth that I knew even when I was not a Christian! When I was in darkness, as now when I am in the Light of the Lord, this truth is sound. These pagan gods are only Demons and Fallen Angels in guise. Lucifer’s former heavenly host.

I will not dispute the existence of beings that prey off followers of these idols. They want you to worship them to take you away from God. Many pagans are fine with this as well. They would not be pagan if they loved God. So these angels that fell from Gods grace use this void put on a mask and draw victims into dark places. They draw them to a place where they hide themselves away from Gods light. They take you to a place where they can whisper lies to you.

Brutalness is just. Might is Right! If you do this ritual, you can be with child. If you make this oath I will reward you with Power, Love, Money, Strength and/or Courage. If you let me in, I’ll give you even more! This is a Lie! These are false promises. They MAY give it to you on short term, but the damages left behind is simply not worth it. And I am not even talking about after you die and what your soul will be forced to endure.

I know this to be true, because I walked it. There is only death from the worship of idols. Pagans do not want to hear this truth. You want to believe in the Gods and Goddesses that you chose to follow. You want to be so in the face of every Christian so that you can have justification for your opinion that Christians only want to cast you aside and shun you. You want to make Christians persecute you so you can say you are persecuted.

I challenge each and every one of you to this. Give Christians an honest chance to show you love and the love of God. Do this without being argumentative and hatemongering, and you will see what you get from them. “Hate begets hate, but Love brings forth love.” The love that the one true God has for you is pure and it is just. If you allow yourself to open up to him and allow him into your heart, then you will know what Love is.

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